Why Does My Child Need An OSSD?

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You may wonder about the recent hype about OSSD or Ontario Secondary School Diploma while you plan on sending your child to high school.

It is the paper that appears to rule over everything about the future of your kid and will cover the majority of their developing years included in this educational system.

In reality, how vital is OSSD for your child?

There are varied reasons for your child to benefit by completing their secondary education and getting their OSSD. Let us now look into the main reasons your kid strives to complete their educational breakthrough.

Overview of OSSD

OSSD or Ontario Secondary School Diploma is the last certificate offered to high school students after their studies are complete.

If you are looking to qualify for their OSSD, then the student needs to complete about 18 credits in the subjects such as math, science, English, French as their second language, and Canadian history. They should also complete their literacy test with a minimum of 75% marks.

They should also complete about 40 hours of community service in their local area. It is anything from helping with their charitable events to helping with the educational programs and finishing government-operated initiatives returning to the community. It is the best way to teach the students to become a part of their civil discourse and become members of society who contributes greatly.

OSSD is generally received after completing Year 12 and is recognized across every province as confirmation of the completion of satisfactory secondary school.

OSSD is required to attend college and university

The primary benefit is conferred by obtaining the OSSD and accessing the ideal college and university programs across Ontario and Canada.

Several postsecondary educational institutions will need a valid completion of OSSD to consider its application to their programs. It would act as the screening mechanisms of all types like the education work across the colleges and universities going further than what is needed in the high school. Only those who can complete the OSSD successfully are considered generally prepared for further education.

An OSSD in itself is an easy matter of passing or failing. But, some universities will look into your kid’s academic performance across the top six courses, and it should gauge whether they are accepted into the desired program or not.

It is why it is important to strive to get the academic average overall which is preferable compared to easily meeting the bare requirements for the OSSD.

OSSD is mandatory across a few trades

One of the general alternatives is to continue into postsecondary education in the perusal of the skilled tradesperson.

There are skilled trades that include the professionals like plumbers, carpenters, electricians, and a few specific kinds of construction work. Becoming a skilled tradesperson is the best valid option for several secondary school students as Ontario is considered one of the main industrial capitals of Canada.

But, several skilled trade apprenticeships will still need a proper completion of the OSSD to continue into this profession. There are several programs in place for the wards that have not yet finished their OSSD, including the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, as they still include the requirements for completing the responsibilities of Year 12.

The majority of these programs need to finish OSSD with over 150 skilled trades that require apprenticeship programs. It is important to attain this qualification for continued workforce following secondary school.

OSSD is a vital sign for future employers

Attaining the OSSD is vital to entering into postsecondary education and getting a job after high school.

Several high school students do not have loads of previous work experience that are included on their resumes when leaving the school. Therefore, several of the page real estate on the resumes are more likely to be taken up through the community’s involvement and education.

Having this qualification on your resume is a positive sign for any potential employers as the student has taken the effort and time to finish this education level.

The requirements for the community service of this OSSD program can help in fleshing out the resume. The High School students are needed to finish about 40 hours of the community service to get the OSSD, which offers them the opportunity to demonstrate the entire range of traits for the desirable employees.

Your child can get OSSD with the help of private high schools

Finishing the OSSD can be an arduous task for several struggling students across the traditional larger classrooms with limited one-on-one interactions with the teachers.

There are private schools that can aid your kid to get their best OSSD performance by offering them the tailored and highly focused learning opportunity. There are private schools specializing in smaller classroom education where the students achieve sufficient time with the teachers to make sure that they completely understand the main material and concept.

If you are searching to offer the best future to your kid, you can reach out to private institutions to build a strong future for them.

Benefits of applying for OSSD at top Canadian Universities

Ontario is considered the political, economic, and cultural center of Canada. Ontario is considered a home to about 80 percent of Canada’s top universities. It has the greater quality and highly authoritative non-tested centered education system across the globe, generally accounting for about 40 percent of the GDP of Canada. The policy of admissions is biased toward the students attending the high schools in Ontario; therefore, the applicants with the OSSD will have a greater percentage of acceptance to apply at the top-ranking Canadian school.

The high school students of Ontario join the universities at higher rates compared to the other provinces. The University of Waterloo, along with the University of Toronto, are given higher priority distributing to about a larger percentage of admissions. But, getting the OSSD is a major benefit to applying to the top Canadian universities!

We are determined that the OSSD or Ontario Secondary School Diploma system offers a stronger foundation and greater flexibility than the other curriculum in meeting the objectives to support the vision for a transformative approach to learning with clear objectives and comprehensive analysis.

You Can Read Also:

What does a Secondary School Diploma mean in Canada?
Your 2022 Summer School Option – OSSD Credits Online
Why hard is it to get into Ontario Universities?


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