The Importance & Role Of OSSD Canada In Your Kid’s Life

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OSSD: Whenever you plan to send your kid to high school, you may wonder what the hype is about behind OSSD Canada, also called Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

It is the piece of information that governs everything nurturing your child’s future and taking up a major part of the formative years of the education system.

But, is OSSD important for your child to have?

Several essential reasons your kid may benefit greatly from completing their secondary education and getting their OSSD. Let us now dig deeper into the more important reasons behind why your child should complete this education.

Overview of OSSD

OSSD or Ontario Secondary School Diploma is about the last certificate awarded to the high school student after completing their studies successfully.

To qualify for the OSSD, the student should complete about 18 credits under the subjects such as math, science, English, French and Canadian history as their secondary languages. They should even finish their literacy test with 75% of the passing mark.

Additionally, they should finish about 40 hours of community services across the local areas. It ranges from helping at charitable events, assisting the educational programs, or even completing government-operated initiatives to return to the community. It is the best way of teaching the students about becoming a part of their civil discourses and contributing as effective members of society.

An OSSD is received at the end of the 12th year, recognized in each province as confirmation of the satisfactory completion of secondary schools.

OSSD is compulsory for attending colleges and universities

The primary benefit of achieving the OSSD is gaining access to the best colleges and university programs across Ontario and the entire part of Canada.

Several postsecondary educational institutes involve the valid completion of OSSD for considering the program application. It forms the screening mechanism of all kinds with education tasks across the colleges and universities that go further into whatever is involved in the high schools. Candidates who have completed the OSSD are considered prepared for more education.

The OSSD generally is a simple matter of passing or failing. But, universities are looking at your kid’s academic performance among the top six courses to help gauge whether they are accepted in the designated programs. It is why getting a higher academic average is considered compared to meeting the minimum requirements for the OSSD.

Few trades involved in OSSD

One of the primary alternatives to continuing into postsecondary education is the use of skilled trades.

Skilled trades include the professions involving carpenters, electricians, specific kinds of construction work, and more. Ontario is considered one of the industrial capital states of Canada to become the skilled tradesperson, which is ideally a valid option for several secondary school students.

But, several skilled trade apprenticeships involve completing the OSSD to continue in this profession. These are the programs in place for the students who did not finish the OSSD, including the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program; however, they did not have requirements for the completion of the responsibilities of the 12th year.

There are over 150 skilled trades that involve the apprenticeship programs, with the majority of these programs including the completion of OSSD to get this qualification becoming important at continuing the workforce followed by the secondary school.

OSSD is a vital sign for the future employers

Attaining the OSSD is vital not only to enter into postsecondary education however landing a job after high school.

Several high school students need not have several previous work experience, including resumes, whenever they are leaving school. Therefore, most of the pages of real estate on the resumes are more likely to get taken up by community education and involvement. Having the OSSD qualifications on your resume is a great sign for the potential employer where the students have invested time and effort to complete their education level.

The needs for the community services of the OSSD program can aid in fleshing out the resumes. There are high school students involved in the completion of forty hours of community services for getting the OSSD offering them the opportunity to demonstrate the entire range of employee traits.

Benefits of OSSD application at the top Canadian Universities

Ontario is considered the political, cultural, and economic center of Canada and is considered the home to about 80 percent of the top universities in Canada. It comprises the greater quality and authoritative non-tested educational system known worldwide, accounting for about 40% of Canada’s GDP. The entire admissions policy is biased towards the students attending Ontario’s high schools. At the same time, these applicants with the OSSD have a greater acceptance of applying to the high-ranking Canadian school.

Ontario’s high school students are joining universities at greater rates than the rest provinces. The University of Waterloo with the University of Toronto is given greater emphasis for the distribution of the larger percentile of admissions. However, attaining the OSSD is a massive benefit to applying to the best Canadian colleges and universities!

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