SPH4U - Grade 12 Physics

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SPH4U - Grade 12 Physics

Course Code: SPH4U
Course Type: University Preparation
Credit Value: 1.0
Prerequisite: Physics Grade 11 University Preparation,SPH3U

Course Description For SPH4U Grade 12 Physics Online Course

This course, SPH4U – Physics, Grade 12, helps students explore physics concepts and ideas in depth. Students will study energy changes and the forces that influence movement. They will also examine electrical, gravitational, and magnetic fields, along with electromagnetic radiation. The course covers the wave nature of light, quantum mechanics, and special relativity. This provides a thorough understanding of advanced physics principles.

Students will be expected to have improved scientific investigation skills. They will also get a chance to compare and contrast both qualitative and quantitative data concerning several physics topics. Also, the course makes students consider the social and environmental implications of technology that has physics as its foundation.

Contact us to discover more about SPH4U – Physics, Grade 12. Learn how this course can improve your understanding of the physical world.

Overview Of Units And Timelines For Grade 12 Physics SPH4U

Here’s the suggested sequence for delivering course units, along with the recommended hours needed to complete each one. For a detailed breakdown of the specific expectations and activities included in each unit, refer to the Unit Overviews provided in the SPH4U course profile.


Titles and Descriptions

Time and Sequence

Unit 1

Forces, Motion, Work and Energy

Students will review concepts essential to their success in the course: scientific notation, significant digits, vector operations, and fundamental mathematical tools. Principles of kinematics and free body diagrams will also be reviewed and extended. By the end of the unit, students will demonstrate and understanding of the forces involved in uniform circular motion and motion in a plane. They will have investigated forces involved in these modes of motion and have solved related problems. They will analyse technological devices that apply the principles of dynamics of motion, with particular respect to the effect of g−forces on the human body.

24 hours

Unit 2

Energy and Momentum

Students will demonstrate an understanding of work, energy, momentum. Drawing from Grade 10 concepts of the laws of conservation of energy, they will extend these ideas to conservation of momentum in one and two dimensions. Through computer simulation and other modes of inquiry they will investigate these phenomena and solve related problems. They will conduct analyses and propose improvements to technologies and procedures that apply principles related to energy and momentum, and assess the social and environmental impact of these.


22 hours

Unit 3

Electric, Gravitational and Magnetic Fields

By the end of this unit, students will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, properties, principles and laws related to gravitational, electric and magnetic fields, particularly with respect to their interactions with matter. They will investigate these phenomena graphically and through use of other electronic models. They will analyse the operation of technologies that use these fields, and discuss the social and environmental impact of these technologies.

22 hours

Unit 4

The Wave Nature of Light

Building upon concepts developed during Grade 10, students will study light with particular respect to its wave nature. Properties of waves will be discussed in a general sense, and the principles of diffraction, refraction, interference and polarization will be investigated theoretically and through simulation. Technologies that make use of the knowledge of the wave nature of light, and their social and environmental impacts, will be discussed.

20 hours

Unit 5

Revolutions in Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity

In this unit, some of the most exciting and counterintuitive concepts in physics, including Einstein’s ideas about relativity, photoelectric effect, and particle physics, will be examined. Quantum mechanics and special relativity will be investigated mathematically and related problems will be solved. In light of the revolutionary ideas studied in this unit, students will discuss how the introduction of new conceptual models can influence and change scientific thought, and lead to the development of new technologies.

20 hours

Unit 6

Final Evaluation

The final assessment task is a three-hour exam worth 20% of the student’s final mark.

3 hours


110 hours

It is important that students have opportunities to learn in a variety of ways: individually and cooperatively;

independently and with teacher direction; through hands−on activities; and through the study of examples followed by practice;

all of which will be used throughout this course.

The expectations in this science course call for an active, experimental approach to learning, and require all students to participate regularly in laboratory activities. Laboratory activities can reinforce the learning of scientific concepts and promote the development of the skills of scientific investigation and communication. Where opportunity allows, students might be required, as part of their laboratory activities, to design and conduct research on a real scientific problem for which the results are unknown. Connections between science and technology and between science and the world beyond the school will be integrated into students’ learning of scientific concepts and skills. Where possible, concepts will be introduced in the context of real−world problems and issues. Students will also be provided with a variety of opportunities to broaden their understanding of scientific investigation. Many activities used in all the units are developing skills necessary for success in the final examination.

Assessment is a systematic process of collecting information or evidence about student learning. Evaluation is the judgment we make about the assessments of student learning based on established criteria. The purpose of assessment is to improve student learning. This means that judgments of student performance must be criterion−referenced so that feedback can be given that includes clearly expressed next steps for improvement.

The assessment will be based on the following processes that take place in the classroom:

Assessment FOR LearningAssessment AS LearningAssessment OF Learning

During this process the teacher seeks information from the students in order to decide where the learners are and where they need to go.

During this process the teacher fosters the capacity of the students and establishes individual goals for success with each one of them.

During this process the teacher reports student’s results in accordance to established criteria to inform how well students are learning.

Classroom discussion Self-evaluation Peer assessmentClassroom discussion Small group discussionPresentations of research Debates
Drama workshops (taking direction) Steps in problem solvingGroup discussionsPresentations Group Presentations
Student ProductsStudent ProductsStudent Products
Reflection journals (to be kept throughout the duration of the course)
Check Lists
Success Criteria
Practice sheets
Socrative quizzes
Poster presentations Tests
In Class Presentations

Tools of varying complexity are used by the teacher to facilitate this. For the more complex evaluations, the criteria are incorporated into a rubric where levels of performance for each criterion are stated in language that can be understood by students.

quizzesculminating activities including:
Labs/performance tasks− labs/performance tasks
presentations− research reports
research− presentations
labs− portfolios

Assessment is embedded within the instructional process throughout each unit rather than being an isolated event at the end. Often, the learning and assessment tasks are the same, with formative assessment provided throughout the unit. In every case, the desired demonstration of learning is articulated clearly and the learning activity is planned to make that demonstration possible. This process of beginning with the end in mind helps to keep focus on the expectations of the course as stated in the course guideline. The evaluations are expressed as a percentage based upon the levels of achievement.

The evaluation of this course is based on the four Ministry of Education achievement categories of knowledge and understanding (25%), thinking (25%), communication (25%), and application (25%). The evaluation for this course is based on the student’s achievement of curriculum expectations and the demonstrated skills required for effective learning.

The percentage grade represents the quality of the student’s overall achievement of the expectations for the course and reflects the corresponding level of achievement as described in the achievement chart for the discipline.

A credit is granted and recorded for this course if the student’s grade is 50% or higher. The final grade for this course will be determined as follows:

  • 80% of the grade will be based upon evaluations conducted throughout the course. This portion of the grade will reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughout the course, although special consideration will be given to more recent evidence of achievement.
  • 20% of the grade will be based on a final exam administered at the end of the course. The exam will contain a summary of information from the course and will consist of well−formulated multiple-choice questions. These will be evaluated using a checklist.
Unit NumberDescriptionEvaluation WeightKICA
Unit 1

Strand 1: Scientific investigation skills and career exploration

Strand 2: Forces, Work and Energy

Quiz 3%
Assignment 5%
Test 6%

Total 14%

Unit 2

Strand 1: Scientific investigation skills and career exploration

Strand 3: Energy and Momentum

Quiz 3%
Assignment 5%
Test 6%

Total 14%

Unit 3

Strand 1: Scientific investigation skills and career exploration

Strand 4: Electric, Gravitational and Magnetic Fields

Quiz 3%
Assignment 5%
Test 6%

Total 14%

Unit 4

Strand 1: Scientific investigation skills and career exploration

Strand 5: The Wave Nature of Light

Quiz 3%
Assignment 5%
Test 6%

Total 14%

Unit 5

Strand 1: Scientific investigation skills and career exploration

Strand 6: Revolutions in Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity

Quiz 3%
Assignment 5%
Test 6%

Total 14%

 Culminating activity10%25ƒ25ƒ25ƒ25
 Final Exam20%25ƒ25ƒ25ƒ25
The percentage grade represents the quality of the students’ overall achievement of the expectations for the course and reflects the corresponding achievement as described in the achievement charts and will be 70% of the overall grade for the course; the Final evaluations will be 30% of the overall grade, incorporating a student/teacher conference and final exam.
Percentage of the MarkCategories of Mark Breakdown
70%Assignments (25%)
Tests (30%)
Labs and Quiz (15%)
30%Culminating Activity (5%) and In Class discussion and presentations (Observations and Conversation (5%)
Final Exam (20%)

Main Resources: Textbook

Nelson Physics 12 University Preparation © 2012

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)​​

SPH4U Physics is a course that explores how things move and interact with energy, focusing on real-world applications like electricity and magnetism.

You need to have completed Grade 11 Physics (SPH3U) to take SPH4U.

You’ll be graded on quizzes, assignments, tests, a final exam, and practical activities throughout the course.

It covers forces, motion, energy, electricity, magnetism, light waves, and modern physics ideas like quantum mechanics and relativity.

It takes about 110 hours to complete, spread across six units focusing on different aspects of physics.