Find The Best Cheap schools in Canada for International Students

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The education system of Canada is considered among the finest in the world. Expat children can go to any public school in Canada free of cost and receive a high standard of education. There are benefits for the international students as well.

The principal difference between Canada’s cheap public, private as well as international schools is boarding. Private as well as international schools generally provide campus accommodation and the students can get the best during the school life, right from extracurricular clubs to multiple sports facilities and more.

While the education standards are similar, cheap international schools put more stress on educating children to make them global competitors. The student body comprises students from different parts of the world, rather than a maximum number of Canadian students with international students in minority.

The International Baccalaureate curriculum is renowned all over the world, and is among the common curricula taught in various international schools in Canada and across the globe. While you have a choice of cheap international schools in Canada providing the IB, the Canadian curriculum is popular. Given the highly acclaimed education system of the country, this should not be the reason for concern.

One of the many talents of Canada is its bilingualism. The country has two official languages, French and English, having equal standing in law and government. In true sense, English is widely spoken in Canada, and the cheap international schools in Canada generally teach through the mode of English.

If you want your child to learn French, various schools provide the option. French is also provided as an additional language in many schools, apart from many others. Canada is a melting pot of a city with people from different parts of the globe. Whatever culture or language your child wants to be exposed to; you will find it in Canada.

Canada’s international schools offering cheap education are spread across suburban as well as urban areas. Right from the north suburbs to the downtown region, the majority of them are located in major parts of the country.

If you move east or west of the downtown area, you can find various cheap international schools in Canada. Burlington and Hamilton are known for quality education. Whitby also comprises international schools, making a life for students easier and far from crowd.

Strategy of International Education 

Canada’s present International Education Strategy (IES) finishes on March 31, 2024. Global Affairs Canada (GAC), in partnership with Employment and Social Development Canada and Immigration, Refugees as well as Citizenship Canada are stakeholders on the basis of mandates. In summer 2023, feedback from various consultations is consolidated to give details of the final version of the IES. 

GAC has started consultations with provincial as well as territorial governments apart from education associations as well as institutions. The IES consultations will extend till June 30, 2023.

Planning Papers of IES

For supporting the consultation process, GAC has made multiple papers on international education of Canada when it comes to the international schools offering education at lower fees.

Planning Papers of IES

For cheap international schools in Canada, these papers comprise four proposed pillars of modified strategy:

  • Digital marketing
  • Scholarships
  • Diversification
  • Education agents

Four thematic papers:

  • Digitalization of international education 
  • Increasing Indigenous students’ participation
  • Sustainability as well as climate change 
  • Alumni strategy 

 Sectoral papers:

  • Universities providing undergraduate as well as graduate programs 
  • Colleges, institutes, polytechnics as well as vocational training 
  • Elementary as well as secondary schools (K-12) 
  • Language training (ESL and FSL) 
  • French language schools falling outside of Quebec 

GAC invites feedback on the mentioned papers and various other aspects regarding the IES till June 30, 2023.

International Education Strategy of Canada

  • To renew strategy of  International Education

You have the choice to take admission in the cheap international schools in Canada and this comprises both pre-university schools and universities. You can search the finest international school for the child. Just submit the search criteria.

Personal score is calculated based on the requirements. You have multiple selection options for cheap schools in Canada for international students. You can also consult the expert as well for finding what is best for your child. A wise decision in time will enhance the future of your child. 

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