What You Should Know about OUAC Guidance

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Are you planning to enter university soon?

Then it’s best to familiarise yourself with the essential requirements as early as possible, starting with the OUAC program.

The Ontario University Applications Centre (OUAC) is an organisation that processes online applications for university admissions in Ontario, Canada. It covers everything from undergraduate programs and teacher education, to medical school and rehabilitation sciences programs.

OUAC Canada takes care of admissions in almost all of the Ontario’s universities; 21 institutions to be exact. This includes world-renowned schools such as the University of Toronto, the University of Ottawa, and Ontario Tech University.

How OUAC Canada works

Canadian students who meet the eligibility requirements can apply through the OUAC’s centralized processing hub with no problem. Here’s what you need:

  1. You must be under 21 years of age
  2. You must have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma by the end of the application year
  3. You must be applying to an undergraduate program in an Ontario university
  4. You must not have attended any other post-secondary institution.

Once you’re sure that you’ve met these requirements, you can quickly use the OUAC website and follow the instructions. The process is streamlined for convenience, allowing you to safely register personal information, browse various programs, and note the necessary deadlines.

The benefits of OUAC guidance

The OUAC guidance program was made for ease of use. Gone are the days when aspiring undergraduate students would have to wait long lines at the admissions office and travel to and from their chosen universities.

Instead, everything can be done online in a matter of few minutes. You don’t have to worry about outdated information, either. The OUAC website is consistently updated, ensuring that you acquire all the details for your chosen programs, admission requirements, fees, campus residences, and even scholarship opportunities!

The OUAC program even allows you to receive offers from universities, opening you to more opportunities than ever before. Don’t worry, you have the option to either accept or decline the offer if it’s not from your preferred institution.

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